The e-Lig University FIFA19 Series welcomed Heva Fund this week as an official sponsor for its first season. The series is set to see six Universities compete in the most popular game in Kenya and East Africa (FIFA) over a period of time.

Heva Fund is an investment organization that funds, shapes, grows and transforms creative economies across the East African region. The creative economy in East Africa is rich and vibrant and Heva Fund seeks to uplift and professionalize this industry to fruition. “Excited that we have started to direct our support and resources towards one of the most creative sectors in East Africa.” explained George Gachara, Managing Director at Heva Fund.

The e-Lig University series will see a total of six Universities compete in FIFA19 in a well drafted format that seeks to increase and elevate the competition levels in FIFA community in Kenya. The e-Lig University Series will see a great format with regular seasons for the main stage competition, an all-female league on the side and the first ever Night Esport Event.  The series will also have a great format that is easy to comprehend giving both players and fans a great engagement platform.

Heva Fund enters the series with sights to not only grow the Esport industry but also tap and nurture the existing creative community inside different Universities where the series will be hosted. The future is indeed creative.

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1 Comment

  1. I am grateful this is happening in my generation.

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