When you talk about FIFA in Kenya, you are talking about the most played video game across the country with the highest demand for casual and competitive play. There have been more FIFA competitions organized and run than any other competitive video game in Kenya this year alone.

Our research, done in 4 gaming lounges across estates and in Nairobi CBD sees FIFA taking up to 90% of the game being played with Mortal Kombat coming in a distant second. The Tekken community is present with most of its players playing online and in the Tekken254 Circuit which is going into its third season next year. The Tekken 254 community currently has 32 members showing a 66% growth in participation from the 21 competitors we had for the first tourney organized and run in collaboration with Tekken Two-Five-Four-Gaming.

Ace Pro Gaming next franchise “The e-Lig University Series” is taking shape with more interest coming from various University teams especially so in Nairobi. The FIFA19 series will be added as part of our roaster on top of the Tekken254 Circuit that has so far run two seasons.

The e-Lig University Series will pave way for franchising Esport organizations per University. This will give institutions an Esport franchise to rally behind. “University franchises will start a journey to become the best organization playing FIFA in Kenya.” With a regular series tour moving from institution to institution, the series will see a well formatted league that gives an experience like no other and at the same time, giving fans an exceptional Esport event filled with tight competition, sense of belonging and business literacy.

“We want to focus heavily on providing University students with access to business, financial literacy, and entertainment. Universities hold the future leaders in business especially in the Technology industry of this country,” says Ace Pro Gaming Head of Marketing Jairus Ogembo.

Franchising teams by University helps in creating and increasing local demand and interests from fans and gives them a team to rally behind. The e-Lig series is also tapping into the growing number of persons playing FIFA in Kenya giving many new University entrants a chance to compete professionally and intensively in the University series.

The e-Lig University Series will see a great format with regular seasons for the main stage competition, an all-female league on the side and the first ever Night Esport Event.  The series will also have a great format that is easy to comprehend giving both players and fans a great engagement platform.

Competitive FIFA is currently taking shape with more licensed leagues such as e-EPL (English Premier League-England), e-MLS (Major League Soccer-USA), e-Champions League (UCL Champions League-Europe) and Electronic Arts Champions Cup plus many online leagues. The competition is attracting more than 10million players per tourney and we believe the e-Lig University series can tap into this great competition being run globally.

The e-Lig University series aligns itself with a new demographic that is more digital, more diverse and hardworking in whatever they set themselves to do. 90% of all competitors in our previous tourneys have been University students, so we felt taking the series to them will be great and more competitive. The future of Esports is dependent on how it is organized from down up and Ace Pro Gaming seeks to create this platform. The franchises give an opportunity to Universities to have global recognition within the Esport and Technology industry and this further helps in tapping all opportunities that come with it.

University Esports needs to be understood, well structured, accepted and supported. The growth levels will be seen as time progresses

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