The Fighting Game Community in Kenya will see a new circuit set to unite both Mortal Kombat 11 and Tekken 7 during next year’s schedule.

Dubbed as the Savannah FGC Circuit, the series of tournaments will see an eight-month Circuit played over 6 regular monthly qualifiers and a final tournament held in a date to be communicated.

The fighting game community in Kenya is strong and in need of serious organization and we believe that the Savannah FGC Circuit will further grow and develop the community better.

Having gone for three seasons, the Tekken 254 Circuit has not only shown growth of Esports in Kenya and the wider Eastern African region but also developed competitiveness in our players. The Tekken254 Community boasts of a group that can be a force in the African region. This was seen during the CapeTown Showdown where Simba Ultimate player DarkTempest lifted the Kenyan flag high by finishing third place.

The Tekken254 Circuit will have both divisions (Premier-Challenger) in the previously used format united to form one huge league during the 2020 schedule. The addition of Mortal Kombat 11 as a part of the Savanna FGC seeks to place Kenya as a highly competitive region, especially in the Fighting Game scene.

Follow our social media pages for new information regarding The 2020 Savanna FGC Circuit.

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